Syrian army continues to be torn apart – report

Syrian and Arab sources have been reporting for a while on the violent and bloody internal battle between Iranian and Syrian forces over control of Syria

Iran doesn't appreciate how Russia is forcing it out, after it invested billions of dollars of its money on getting control in Syria and building its Shiite Crescent from Tehran to the Mediterranean, instead of focusing on its own people

The main battlefronts:

Latakia district – Iranian forces want to establish themselves in Latakia port, the biggest civilian port in Syria, which will provide them with an exit point to the Mediterranean and the West for Iranian goods and oil, as well as a future anchorage point for the Iranian navy, that wants to spread the word of the Ayatollahs to the West as well

Damascus district – the center of Syria's central rule. The fight there is over senior governmental positions with direct and immediate influence on the entire country.

Southern Syria: the provinces of Quneitra, Dera'a, and Suwayda. Iranian forces are constantly trying to establish themselves by the Israeli and Jordanian borders, using its proxy forces of Hezbollah and the Iraqi militias, in order to challenge these countries as part of Iran's greater strategy to take over the entire Middle East.

Idlib and Hamat districts, where the Russians are trying to push the Iranians out and wage war against the rebels on their own, which is taking its toll in heavy casualties and loss of military equipment. Facing the Syrian army is an army of Sunni militias estimated at more than 50,000 fighters. A very large military force, a first-rate challenge to the fragments of the Syrian army that gave their loyalty to the Russians.

Deir al-Zour district in eastern Syria – where the Iranians are concentrating their own forces to secure its bridgehead for the route going from Tehran via Iraq and crossing the border near al-Qaim crossing in the southern Deir al-Zour district. This land bridge will enable the Iranians to control Syria and without it the forces will not be able to impose their authority on the areas in the country under their control.

In recent days, there have been many reports that both the Iranians and the Russians are carrying out extensive arrests of senior Syrian army officers in the areas under their control, in order to establish their rule. For example, in the past few days, a large number of senior officers in the Damascus region were arrested by the orders of the Russians, after it was revealed that they're loyal to the Iranians and did not act in accordance with the clear Syrian interest, as seen by the Russians. It has long been known that the Syrian Army's Armored Division 4, the most qualified division in the army in the past, headed by the president's brother Maj. Gen. Maher al-Assad, transferred its loyalty to the Iranians, which was anathema to the Russians, who began to dismantle the division. The Russians refuse to supply new weapons that reach Syria to the units of the division, and transfer them all to the units of Division 5, and to the Nimr Forces under the command of Brigadier General Suheil al-Hassan, which is part of the division.

Recently, sources in the Syrian opposition reported that the Majar Maasar's office head was arrested and placed under house arrest by direct Russian order. In response, the Iranians arrested six Syrian officers in the Hamat district for being loyal to the Russians.

The internal conflict between Russia and Iran, and Iran's failure to assist the Syrian army in its battles in the Idlib region, cause the fighting forces heavy casualties to the point of losing effective fighting capability in the confrontation lines.

The Russians see Brigadier General Al Hassan as the future leader of Syria instead of the Assad family, and his failures on the battlefield have led him to declare that his losses are due to the fact that he's fighting trained commando units from the United States and Turkey, which are much better equipped.

What is clear is that the rebel forces in northern Syria received a huge amount of anti-tank missiles, which enabled them to halt any attack and cause heavy losses to the Syrian armor divisions, which tried to express its advantage on the battlefield in order to bring the victory to the Syrian army and the Russian command.

The current situation in the area is of "neither swallow nor vomit". There is not enough military power for the Syrian army to break through the ranks of the rebels and the Iranians refuse to help with Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards elite units. This will force the Russians to increase the murderous air attacks on the entire front, causing serious damage to the civilian population. The Syrian army even began to use chemical weapons to

break through despite American threats.

Report by Rotter member NZIV


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